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Guidelines for use of the IYPT2019-logo

1. The UNESCO-Mendeleev logo is the official IYPT2019-logo, hereafter referred to a IYPT2019-logo.
2. Use of the IYPT2019-logo is permitted only if the logo is hyperlinked to the IYPT2019-website:
3. We encourage the use of this official logo, but it is also allowed to use complementary icons or symbols regarding IYPT2019 as long as these contribute to an enhanced communication about IYPT.
4. Icons and symbols as mentioned under (3) may be used as hyperlink to various activities of the same organization/society.
5. Icons/symbol related to IYPT2019 are only permitted if combined with the official IYPT2019-logo.

Download content related to the International Year of the Periodic Table here:

  • .eps > good for process (full color offset) printing.
  • .png > RGB bitmap format with transparent background: good for digital uses in many applications and on the web
  • .jpg > good for digital uses in many applications and on the web

Note: EPS is the ONLY kind of file you can resize/enlarge without losing quality!